
Simple ways to start the day off right...

If you're like me at all, you have every good intention of starting the day right.  You make a list, you knock a couple things off, then you get distracted, the hours fly by, and before you know it, the day is ending and you are rushing around to get things done.  It is so easy to miss a good jumpstart to the day, and it really sets the tone for how the rest of the day will go....for me at least.  So here are some goals and aspirations I have been working on to make sure my starts off well:

* Get out of bed with the intention of having a good day.  So many things come up in life, and a lot of times they can be annoying or unexpected.  If I let these situations that are out of my control determine my attitude, it will almost always be a bad one.  If, however, I consciously make a decision to be positive, smile, and carry on with my day, it's amazing to see the difference.  The days I choose to be positive are usually the best ones of the week...even though the same unexpected things happen.  This has been especially helpful with caring for a baby.

*Make time for a few moments to yourself.  This one is a work in progress for me.  Finn usually gets up at the same each day, and if I would just set my alarm for half an hour earlier, I could calmly start the day completely on my own.  What this looks like can be different for everyone.  Right now, my goal is to get up and practice one yoga pose, or read my bible, or have a cup of tea.  As you can see, none of these include an electronic.  Usually the first thing I do in the morning is check my email, or my facebook, and usually that leads me to something else online that steals my time away.

*Have a good breakfast.  You have heard this over and over, but it's so true!  Having a good, healthy breakfast in the morning will get your metabolism going, and give you the energy to get your work done.  My favorites are oatmeal with honey and cinnamon, scrambled eggs and cheese, and raspberry noosa yogurt.

*Get the house picked up the evening before.  For me, if I walk downstairs in the morning to get breakfast going and there are dishes in the sink, or the living room is cluttered, my motivation to be productive takes a hit.  But if I take 15 minutes in the evening to do the dishes, pick things up, and organize any clutter, I know the next morning will be better.  Some people enjoy working in the morning on dishes, but I would rather do them in the evening.

*Get outside.  If the morning is nice, Finn and I will try to get out.  He is the happiest in the morning, and so we love going out and even just sitting on our front porch.  In the winter, this may pose more of a challenge, but I know it's good for us, so we'll try to just bundle up and get out there.  The fresh air and sunshine is good for the body and soul.

*Be honest with yourself.  You know your limits and what you're capable of accomplishing.  Don't push it!  Enjoy each day because they go by fast.  Don't make a huge list of things to get done.  Focus on a few little things or one big one.  And if you just aren't making it happen, that's fine.  Some days I have so many things I want to get done, then I just don't feel like it or Finn is needing me a lot more.  I am learning to be flexible and go with those moments.  My son is way more important than dusting, and enjoying the day is more important to me than the laundry.  Being honest with yourself and saying "It's ok" is huge.  Tomorrow is always a new day.

I'm off to enjoy this awesome day, get work done, and start packing for our trip next week.  Hope you will enjoy yourself this day too!


Unknown said...

Hi Leah, I can relate to all of these. I've been learning how important it is to allow myself some "slowness" in the morning and also right before bed at night. If I bring either my phone or my computer into bed at night, I'll notice myself getting a little depressed. Same story if it's the first thing that I do in the morning. Allowing these things at the start & finish of the day either starts the day out wrong or ends it wrong. When it comes to washing dishes, I'm the exact same as you. I'd much rather wake up to a clean kitchen. Nothing puts a damper on my day like a dirty kitchen.

I've been following your blog for at least the past year and have really enjoyed seeing photos of your little Finn and reading about your experiences & thoughts. I really enjoy the homey-ness of your blog. :)

Kate Harvey said...

Great, great ideas Leah! I agree with each one. (Though I don't yet have a baby :)) One of the things that gives me peace each morning is my blog writing--I get up early and write and drink coffee, and it's so peaceful. Though I imagine when I have children I may not be a morning blogger....we'll see! Thanks for your thoughts today.

k said...

these are such good points to be following! i have to make my bed but i guess that goes under cleaning up :)

Michelle said...

Love these! Especially eating a good breakfast and getting the house clean. It's a bit harder with my job, but I get so stressed out when I come downstairs in the morning and the kitchen is a disaster!


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