Has it really been a whole year?! Our baby boy turned 1 last week, surrounded by both of our families. I made a healthy smash cake, and he didn't even touch it, I helped him blow out his candle too. :)
This little man has completely changed our lives, in every good way. Landon and I are better people because of Finn, and we learn so much from him as the days go on.
It's hard to believe that a little over a year ago, I started labor and gave birth to the most precious baby boy, while Landon stayed by my side the whole time. Landon has been such an amazing dad to Finn, as I knew he would.
Here are some stats on Finn now that he's a big boy:
*Eats like a 5 year old every day with fav foods being: oatmeal, natural applesauce, peas, greek yogurt, meat of any kind, cheese of any kind, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash risotto, or pretty much anything I put in front of him.
*Still nurses a few times a day, and I'm not really sure what weaning will look like. I don't know but we'll probably talk to the Dr. and La Leche this week to get some good advice. But we made it past a year and I'm so glad we did it!
*Sleeps (normally) for 10-12 hours at night unless he's been up late. Gets up at 7:30 almost every morning.
*Takes two, 2 hour naps each day (normally.)
*Crawls like a mad man with one foot flat on the ground and the other normal.
*Pulls up and walks along furniture. Stands alone for a few seconds, but not walking yet...whew!
*Loves climbing stairs and can climb our entire staircase alone, though we stay close.
*Has only been sick twice, once with a fever, once some bad chili I made...sorry baby boy. :(
*We're taking him for his 1 year check up today, but we think he's pushing 20lbs.
*He has 6 teeth. Two front bottom ones and the front four on the top. He got three of the top ones all at once, poor guy, but his
teething necklace has done wonders!! I highly recommend them.
*Loves playing outside, I mean,
loves it! We were in the Poconos last week, and he was having a ball. We went on a lot of hikes and went outside every day. He is mesmerized by the outdoors.
*We try not to let him watch t.v. but we make exceptions occasionally. Fortunately, he's really not interested in it anyway.
*We don't give him any processed sugar, and try to feed him as many whole foods as possible....it's harder than it seems!
*Get's adjusted at the chiropractor once a month with Landon and I.
*Still loves bath time with dad...almost every night he gets one.
*Says "mama," "dada," "more," "light," "ball," and "nana," (nurse.)
*Signs "all done," "more," and "milk."
*Has been really good at listening and obeying so far, and stays off things like our fireplace and t.v. stand. It's been more of me learning to be consistent when I tell him to do something or not do something.
*Starting to get a little tantrum and likes to scream when he's upset. Haha, we are working on that.
*Sucks his thumb when he's tired and cuddles into me before I lay him down for sleep.
*Has proven to be the sweetest little boy I could have ever hoped for. We love him so very much!