
1.5 years...

Well Finn is officially 1.5 years old today!  It seems like a bit of a milestone, so I wanted to take a few photos to remember.  These have been the hardest and most joyful 18 months past, and it's amazing to see how Finn grows and develops each day.

Here are a few fun facts about our little guy:

*Still loves to eat.  Favorite foods include: hot dogs (natural, nitrate-free for this mama), bananas, cheese, peas, yogurt, applesauce, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, sausage, eggs and cheese, bacon, avocados, sweet potatoes, raisins, brussels sprouts, and practically anything else edible in the house.

*LOVES playing outside.  Favorite activities are: swimming, digging, poking ants, riding bikes, taking walks, playing with water, throwing and kicking balls, exploring the nature preserve, looking at bugs, dogs, and birds.

*Developing a good vocabulary.  He is getting better at saying words clearly.  Some of his best are: mama, dad, yes, please, no, dog, truck, bubble, hot dog, cheese, water (wa-wa), yogurt (yo-yo), oh no, oh yeah, bye-bye (paired with a wave), and yay. :)

He also signs quite a bit, including some new ones his grammie and gramps taught him like: show me, dog, and cat.

*Sleeps pretty great most nights.  We have our nights where we need to go in once or twice, but for the most part, he sleeps 10-12 hours at night, and takes one 2-3 hour nap a day.

*We think he is developing some musical abilities, as he loves playing our guitars when they are out, he plays the recorder, harmonica, and Landon's ukelele a bit as well. (Obviously not well, but he blows and strums as his little mouth and hands can.)

He also sings along when we sing to him, and when he's listening to music in the car.

*Getting a little personality.  And by that, I mean he is learning how to throw fits. :)  We are all learning to be patient as he tries to convey his frustrations, which sometimes seem over the tiniest little things.  But we realize this is a part of growing up, and we are doing our best to help him learn to deal with frustrations in a healthy way.

*Health.  Not sure how much he weighs or how tall he is, but he's happy and healthy.  He's never had an ear infection, only had one fever, and has thrown up on three different occasions.  We are thankful for this and hope that his good health will continue!

*Character.  We have noticed that Finn has a sweet spirit, and while he is getting his feisty on these days, his concern and kindness still show through.  He loves to be affectionate, and asks for kisses and hugs sometimes.  He loves playing with other children his age, and seems to be happy most of the time.

We love this kid so much!!


Anonymous said...

So exciting!! It seems like forever before we'll be there but I'm sure the time will fly. Enjoy the special day with your little man!

-amy b

Anonymous said...

I wish I could sleep 10 to 12 hours a day.


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