It's sunny here today, and looking outside makes me so happy. I am definitely ready for warm weather to be here, and even though it's cold, the sun just makes it feel so much better.
A few favs from this week:
Going out on a wonderful date with Landon last night. We went to an Irish pub and ate some delicious food. We each tried a new beer, and both liked the ones we tried. Afterwards, we went to our local coffee shop. The barista (one of our favorite ones in there) saw we were alone without Finn and asked about him. She also questioned why we ordered coffee instead of beer since we were on a date. We explained we'd already had some at dinner, and she said "Ok, good." I love that she was "looking out for us" in a way. See, this is why I love local places.
Watching Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou again. I forgot how much I loved this movie, and it is so good watching a second time. Wes Anderson is a brilliant director. One time in college I dressed up (in a very rough handmade costume) as a member of the Zissou Society for halloween. It was awesome.
Enjoying time with my family. We've tried to take it easy this week and just enjoy our spare time together. Finn keeps us SO entertained lately. He is imitating and laughing and dancing all the time. Seriously, babies are hilarious. We did a mini photo shoot last night (the photos above are from that) and Finn was cracking us up the whole time. Love him.
Beautifying our home. We had a couple diy projects that have were on the back burner for awhile, and finally we made the time to get them finished up and hung. I'll have to post some pictures another time, but we love the little touches they make to our cozy home.
Having coffee with a friend. I met with a friend from small group on Saturday, and we just sat and talked for a couple hours. It was so encouraging and just nice to be out with a girlfriend talking about struggles, love, and life.
Crafting. I started working on an embroidery project again, and I didn't realize how much I missed doing little detail work. It is so relaxing for me, and I can't wait to finish this one up!
Looking forward. I am so excited because tomorrow, my roommate from my last year at college is getting married! We are driving to Ohio and back again for what is predicted to be a pretty awesome wedding. I am so happy for my friend and getting to witness her day is such an honor.
We are also having a sweet family over this weekend on Sunday.
The Siler family, all the way from Wisconsin, is staying with us overnight while they are on a road trip. They are a husband and wife photography team, and they have two young kids. I lived with them for a few months when I was working at an internship in Portland, Oregon after college. They only had one child then, and he was about Finn's age when I lived with them. So excited to see them again and visit, eat good food, and possibly play some Settlers.
All in all, life is good these days. I've been learning a lot this week...just learning how to be content, learning how to be a better mama to Finn, and learning what is really important in my life. I am seeing how things quickly get in the way of living, and each day and each week, I am seeking to be more about experiences and people instead of things. Looking forward to enjoying just that this weekend with some amazing family and friends. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend yourselves!